The Problem

Many perceive Europe as a continent marked by division. When major football events such as UEFA EURO 2020 unfold, tensions rise and historical rivalries resurface. However, despite the intensity on the pitch, these rivalries typically remain confined to the game. As an official sponsor of this prestigious competition, sought to demonstrate this reality—using their data.

We meticulously examined all relevant data concerning the nations participating in EURO and delved into the travel-related dynamics among them. This involved analyzing metrics such as trip numbers, ratings, reviews, and endorsements left by travelers from each country on the platform after their European journeys. The findings revealed something unexpected: nations often considered major rivals were, in fact, each other's greatest supporters.

Armed with these insights, we crafted a comprehensive 360º campaign. This included a global commercial, in-game advertisements, perimeter ads, social media content, out-of-home displays, and full-page newspaper ads in Italy and the UK before and after the final match. The message was clear: while they may be portrayed as rivals, the data shows that they are, in essence, friends.

The Solution

Client Retention
Digital Services
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